Experience the Joy Of Kirra Nursing Service At Home?

We often do not realize that living with a disability is more challenging than it seems, with everyday tasks and activities getting more difficult and even safety being at stake.  Accidents are more likely and can have severe consequences, leading to fear at almost every moment and a kind of hesitancy by way of little things like making a visit to the park or even the loo. And this is where nursing services at home play a very important role, where these individuals can receive all the professional support that they need to enjoy their everyday life without being deprived of their basic needs.

What Is Home Nursing?

This is a kind of assistance where one can seek the help of professionals like nurses, therapists and other aids who provide nursing services at home be it for a short term or a long while, depending on the kind of disability services that one needs.

Kirra Nursing Services At Home

Kirra is one place where the disabled can find all the right nursing services at home with a team of experienced and qualified professionals who are dedicated to giving these individuals a better life with the highest quality support not just by way of their safety and security but their overall sense of independence too.

Kirra takes special care to understand and gauge the need of every individual to come up with a personalized support plan to help them with their day to day activities.

Kirra nursing services at home are trained to care for various people with disabilities and fashion their services according to their unique needs.

Help With Daily Activities

Here, at Kirra, individuals can be assured of not just the help they need but the respect that is also their due. While professionals are here to see to all their needs, they are also taught to gauge their ability and treat them as equals, hearing them out at all times and not allowing them to make the little decisions with regard to their needs.


The disability services at Kirra are not aimed to dominate but give every disabled individual the right to their little wishes and needs. Here our professionals are trained to follow the lead of their patients and not lead them in their daily needs. With Kirra nursing services at home, you have professionals who can receive instructions and cater to them instead of the other way round.

With Kirra nursing services at home, you can be assured of professionals who will hear you out without interrupting or just assuming the things that you need.

Respect is of utmost importance and this is something our professionals always keep in mind, be it with regard to handling the individual or his things. Walkers, canes, wheelchairs and even a person’s own space are things that we don’t touch unless requested by the person at a time of need.

In other words, our nursing services at home are also accompanied with the right amount of respect and independence that a person demands and we take great care to see that their disability is not a source of embarrassment as we help them meet their needs.

Guided Assistance

Here independence and self-respect are the goals and the keys while we make sure that we are always around by way of any need. We talk to the individual to know what he or she wants and do not always try to gather facts from people around them regarding the challenges they face and the things they need.

Our professionals are also trained to make a note of simple changes that an individual wants and works towards these with respect, encouraging them all the time with positive affirmations and polite conversation so they can go about confidently with their day to day needs.

Skill-building is one of the most important things that we help our patients with, helping them take a step each day towards becoming more independent in meeting their needs, so that they can live and function more confidently in the society and community.

In Kirra, one finds more than just nursing services at home, one finds a friend who cares about making his disability easy to live with.

Help With Therapy

Kirra Health Care has professionals who are trained to understand not just the many disability services that one needs but the things he goes through that make it a challenge to carry on with his day to day activities, and its nursing services at home are also designed with an aim to meet these needs.

Living with a disability can be difficult not just by way of safety, security and the independence that one needs but also the emotional struggles that he goes through in his interaction with the society at large and thus, the moral support that he needs.

Lending An Ear

Every disabled individual has a story that yet needs to be heard, in a society that is too busy to care for their welfare and their emotional needs. These could anything ranging from that of discrimination and abuse to his small and big achievements that he comes across when meeting his day to day needs

With Kirra nursing services at home, these individuals can be assured of not just hands that help but a friend with an ear to hear his many stories. Our experts are in no hurry and are always there to listen to everything without interrupting.

Here we understand that disability services also include providing the assistance one needs to face the discriminations met by society, stereotypes at work, deprivation of his rights and obstacles to his many hopes and dreams, often making such a person feel like a failure to himself and his society because of his limitations and needs.

These are some of the things that often get overlooked by some home nursing services, but Kirra aims to see that its nursing services at home are also aimed to address these individuals by way of such needs, keeping a close eye out on any signs of stress and anxiety, relationship changes, fear of the future etc and see to it that our patients always have us to rely on in these needs.

Building Goals

Here we do our best to help these individuals to come up with new ways that help them cope with their various needs, in an environment that is safe and controlled, and suitable for their needs.

We make sure that the advice and guidance that we give are focused on a solution and not just aimed at making the individual feel better at the moment. We help them with the right motivation to come up with long term goals that help them achieve their goals and dreams.

We also see and do not overlook the fact that these individuals can also have interests and hobbies, and we put in special effort to find out what they are, guiding them towards them each day and using them to build their goals and dreams.

We take interests in their little achievements each day, giving them the right kind of appreciation in a way that is not patronizing but respectful

Providing Understanding

With Kirra nursing services at home, you have a friend in all your needs, even life changing events that we are trained to observe and understand so as to come up with the kind of assistance you need.

We watch for signs of depression and loneliness and help these individuals find their way out by ways in which he can make himself useful to society and its needs.

Our professionals take the time to understand their patients inside out and know the things that hold them back to prevent them from meeting their needs.

We pay great attention to language, and weigh every word that we use, considering the consequences that they could have on these people with special needs. Dignity and respect are of utmost importance and we take great care to provide them at all times as we assist these individuals in their needs.

In other words, Kirra nursing services at home is more of a journey and not just the day by day assistance that a disabled individual needs.

Here, at Kirra, you are not our victims with your needs at our feet, but our friends and companions whose dreams and goals we share, walking hand in hand each day, till we one day together celebrate them turning into a reality.

Why Kirra Home Nursing? 

Kirra works closely with the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) an initiative launched by the federal government to provide support to disabled individuals and help them in their day to day needs.

This is basically an insurance scheme providing all eligible individuals with the funds along with the individualized support that they need. This includes all Australian citizens above the age of 65 and those living with permanent disabilities.

That said, Kirra Health Care is a nursing home that is provide services to disable people, thus guaranteeing all the right kind of support to individuals with such needs.

Get In Touch

Now that you know all that we’re about and what we have to give to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, for yourself or a loved one in need.

Contact us on our website with the information needed and we will be by your side in all your needs. With Kirra home nursing, you have a friend for life and a friend with all your needs.